This weekend is Chris's wedding. We have lots of wedding stuff going on, and lots of family activites. We're crazy busy, but it's all with family. I don't know if that makes it worse or better. :)
Last night we had the bride and groom over with the kids. We had dinner for 8 - impromptu style. Fortunately, I had fixed a dish that I love (feta cheese chicken), it really does leftovers well, and it's one of J's favorites. So I invited everyone over for dinner. There are no leftovers. It was yummy, and made the house smell so delicious. We had spinach, a green salad, and a fruit salad. I got rave reviews and it was so very simple. Thank you, mom, for making me look good!!
Mama T had extra wedding cake. It didn't look good. It sure did taste good, though. She totally came through on dessert. And we all got a preview of what the wedding cake will taste like. Yummy!
The kids, my niece and nephew, played and played and played. Hannah, our lab, was the focus of most of their attention. She, of course, loved every second of it. It's been a long time since she's had an 8 year old boy to wrassle with. Ha! They also tried to play with Edgar, our 35 pound big mean kitty. He did not appreciate it as much as Hannah did. We had to put him in our bedroom to protect the kids. I know he looks pretty, but those teeth are razor sharp. One of the kids told me, "He's not mad. He just high-fived me with his paw." That's when Ed got put up. We took pics of the kids roughhousing over here. Those pics were cute. I may be posting those later, I want to check with thier parents before I post photos of the kids.
My sis-in-law, W, is taking photos of the wedding this weekend. She is quite an accomplished photographer, but her usual subject is nature. Before she took photos of the wedding, she wanted to practice on some live, moving, non-instruction-taking subjects. Enter my precious critters. She got some FABULOUS pics of them. They will be posted later, when I get a copy of them. She even made my big mean kitty look nice. Very serious, but nice. And I promise, Hannah was smiling in all the photos.
Something that Burt (Bill, Brad, Bob...Brad!) Brad Harrub discussed with us is to vocalize our goals in life. 1. To get to heaven. 2. Take as many people as we can with us. That really resonated with me, and J and I have been really thinking about that and we have a date to discuss that goal as it relates to our family. With those goals in mind, I would like to relate a short-ish story.
Christopher and his new bride came with her kids yesterday, as above. Now, you must understand that my craft room is in total disarray. I'm serious. You need shots to go in that room. Yesterday, while my sweet nephew and niece were here, they wanted to see pics of Chris when he was younger. So, out came my scrapbooks and wedding album. How fun! Then, they wanted to see what else I had done. Um, my works in progress are in my craft room, the room that has already been mentioned is in total disarray. I can not stress that enough. So, hesitantly, I open that door. And in rushed the kids. They looked at everything they could look at - which was fine. That's why the projects are there. And my 8 year old nephew's eyes landed on a pot. A clay pot painted red, with a ladybug face drawn on it and lady bug spots drawn on it. A red pot with a jingle bell inside, foam feet dangling out of the bottom, and a crack around the middle. A red pot with the words, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6" written on it. H pointed to it and said, "It's broken. Your pot is broken." I said, "Yes, it reminds me that God loves me even though I'm broken." He looked at me and said, "Aunt Daesha, I want this. Can I take this home with me?" Ya'll, it was all I could do not to cry. OF COURSE, I am now one red clay pot short at home. I don't think I'll replace it. I think the absence of the red clay pot will remind me to take as many people with me to heaven as I can. I cannot wait for VBS this summer.
There will be posts updating our February and the wedding coming later.
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