Wednesday, December 3, 2008

We have angered the job gods. . . .

Jeremy was let go from his part time position Monday.

Jeremy had two job interviews Tuesday, both with CC*ISD. One went better than the other. We're still waiting on those results.

My job interview was supposed to be for this morning, but they cancelled it yesterday. She said she will reschedule it. I am anxious for that. I also have a contact who has said she will give me "info" about a job I would like to get if I call. I don't have a good phone number for her. *sigh* Doin' the best I can, I guess. Still looking for work. Good news is, someone called me and wanted me to interview for their clinic. Bad news, clinic is about 100 miles away. It's in beautiful country, though. I didn't tell them no. Maybe I should have. I don't know. God's not being as clear as He was before.

A friend and I were talking today about being good stewards of what God has given us, in plenty or in want. It reminded me that our "poor" way of living is how some people live every day, and really, we're not so poor. We have what we need. Not to excess, as perhaps we did in times past, but we have enough. And God promises enough. He gives just enough.

Please continue to pray for J and his spirits. He's really getting into a funk because of this job situation, and I know he'd rather have some job, any job, than nothing. And so J sits around and pokes me with a pencil, or watches me type Bible lessons, or other equally boring tasks. He did make dinner today, while I was off galavanting with my friends. I'm glad that happened. He really is a good house husband. I know that he'd be really happy to be more than just a house husband, though.

Please keep my father-in-law in your prayers. Mama T is my mother-in-law (her link is on my side bar). My FIL is interviewing for a job tomorrow. He got laid off right about when I did. Please keep him in your prayers.

I know this isn't cute, or filled with baby photos (those come later), but this is what's going on in our house right now. Just job stuff. Sorry we're boring, but this is life. It's definitely not linear.


Unknown said...

(((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))) I will continue to pray for ya'll.

Daesha said...

Thanks, Holly. I really do appreciate it. BTW, you've been quite on the blog site. Is everything ok?

Katherine said...

I literally feel your pain and can truly empathize. It can be quite a frustrating, but educating journey.

I know what you mean about God not being as clear as He was before. Sometimes I think He just leaves the decisions to us, and then He will bless and use us wherever we are.

I pray that something works out soon for both of you!! Blessings~