Whoo-HOO! I passed my exam! I know not anyone else out there was worried, but I was, and I am so excited. So there's the news!!! YEAH. Now to find a job. . . .
I knew you would pass the exam, but I also know that you were concerned. Now that concern is behind you, you can concentrate on other things!!! Less than 2 weeks until I get to see your precious face! I love you. MamaT
Yay!!!!! :) You are right-none of us are surprised, but congratulations are definitely in order!!
Hope you find an awesome job soon~
I knew you could do it..... :) Anything on the test about a little lavender pill?? ha ha ha!!
I knew you would pass the exam, but I also know that you were concerned. Now that concern is behind you, you can concentrate on other things!!! Less than 2 weeks until I get to see your precious face! I love you. MamaT
Yay!!! I am proud of you!!! *** Throws Confetti *** 80)
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