Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hello, Dolly

My mother has never gotten used to her daughter living on the coast of Texas. Hurricanes are not part of her life experiences, and she still isn't quite sure how to react to them. Especially after Rita.

Whenever one of these ends up hitting somewhere on the Texas coast, I can expect a call from my mother. Yesterday was no different. Here is how our phone call started:

Mom: So, when can I expect you up here? (Note the absence of a hello)
Me: (After a confused silence) Um, I thought I would see you next weekend. Why would I be up there?
Mom: Because of the hurricane, you know.
Me: What hurri- Oh, you mean Dolly.
Mom: Yes, Dolly. Aren't you evacuating?
Me: Um, no. It's, like, hitting somewhere in Mexico, right?
Mom: It's hitting in TEXAS. Tomorrow. So, you're not evacuating. Do you have storm shutters up?
Me: No. Why would I have storm shutters up? (Thinking of my neighbors laughing hysterically at me putting up storm shutters.)
Mom: (impatiently) Because there's a HURRICANE coming.
Me: No. No shutters
Mom: Well, what are you doing to get ready for the hurricane?
Me: (Sensing there is a Right answer to this question and a Wrong answer to this question) Um, well, we mowed the grass this afternoon so we wouldn't get rained on this evening when the outer bands start moving in.
Mom: WHAT!! You haven't done - well, I suppose you know best, living on the coast and all.
Me: (Sensing that I had given the Wrong answer). Mom, I promise we are going to be safe.

And so far we are. Please join me in praying for the safety of those who are being battered by the hurricane right now, and praising God for warm shelter that is strong when hurricanes come (or just rain bands).

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